
Indeed a moment of glory for India

CHANDRAYAAN-3 (India's space Odyssey)           Chandrayaan-3, India's 3rd lunar mission was successfully launched on 14th July 2023(yesterday).          With the relentless efforts of Indian Space Research Organisation(ISRO) , Chandrayaan-3 was launched onboard a Launch Vehicle Mark-3 (LVM 3) rocket from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, Andhrapradesh, India.           Expected to soft-land on the moon on 23rd August this year. If hopefully happens so, India will become the 4th country next to USA, Russia and China to soft-land on the surface of the moon.           Moreover India is the first ever country to launch a mission to probe the south pole of the moon . Mission objectives of Chandrayaan-3 : To demonstrate Safe and Soft Landing on Lunar Surface To demonstrate Rover roving on the moon and To conduct in-situ scientific experiments.           Chandrayaan-3 is a follow-on mission to Chandrayaan-2. It comprises an indigenous Lander module(LM), Propulsion modul

World Environment Day 2023

World Environment Day (WED)               WED is observed on 5th June every year. But this year is special because 2023 marks the completion of 50 years of its establishment. Theme 2023 : "Beat Plastic Pollution" WED is led by the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and is held annually since 1973. This year(2023) WED is hosted by Côte d'Ivoire in partnership with the Netherlands. World Environment Day is celebrated every year to spread awareness about the environment and to take needful actions for protecting it.            As stated by the UN, " about 400 million tonnes of plastic is produced across the world every year . Out of which only less than 10% of that is recycled. A report estimated that 19-23 million tonnes of plastic end up in water bodies annually. Microplastics find their way into food, water and air. It is also estimated that every individual on this planet consumes 50,000 plastic particles every year."             Without proper act

Alexander Graham Bell Day

Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) was a Scottish researcher and inventor . Every year March 7 is celebrated as Alexander Graham Bell Day because it was on this day in 1876 , that his groundbreaking invention, the telephone, was patented . The first words spoken over the telephone by him on March 10,1876 were,  "Mr.Watson, come here, I want to see you." Let's get to know his few other inventions as well... Bell's first invention was a wheat dehusking machine  when he was in his early teens. Metal Detector - Bell came up with this device to locate a bullet inside of assassinated President James A.Garfield . Audiometer - device used to detect hearing problems Graphophone (originally known as phonograph) - a machine used to record and playback sounds. Bell's invention of telephone was a milestone in the communication field and now it's modified versions has become an important and indispensable gadget in everyone's day to day life.                        

World Wildlife Day

World Wildlife Day(WWD)                  World Wildlife Day  is celebrated on  March 03  every year across the world to cherish the pristine beauty and biodiversity of wild flora and fauna and also to create awareness regarding its conservation and protection. Theme of 2023 : "Partnerships for wildlife conservation"                On 23 December 2013, the UNGA  (United Nations General Assembly) declared March 3 as the UN World Wildlife Day.                 It was on this day in 1973, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild fauna and flora(CITES) was signed. This year i.e. 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of CITES .                 CITES is an international agreement between countries. It plays a crucial role in ensuring that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten the species survival. It also protects the species from illegal exploitation.                On taking into consideration about the conservation of

National Science Day - Feb 28

National Science Day   28th February of every year is celebrated as National Science Day to commemorate the discovery of "Raman Effect" by Indian Physicist Sir C.V.Raman . Theme(2023) : "Global Science for Global Wellbeing" The Government of India designated Feb 28 as National Science Day in 1986. In accordance with it this day was celebrated since 1987. Raman Effect           The Raman Effect or Raman Scattering is the change in the wavelength of light that occurs when a beam of light is deflected by molecules.           The scattering is due to change in wavelength of light when it enters a medium. When a light beam travels through a  transparent medium, a small fraction of light emerges out in directions other than that of the incoming beam. Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman Born - 1888 in Tiruchirapalli (South India) Died - 1970 in Bengaluru Received Noble prize in Physics (1st Indian to receive Nobel award in this category)   in   the year 1930 for his work on

Vultures of India

What are the words that first comes to your mind when you think of Vultures ? Majestic, scary, predators, raptors, scavengers, monster birds, and so on..... Are Vultures predators ? 🤔 Obviously not... Predators are the ones which hunts for food. But Vultures are not predators rather they are scavengers. They feed on dead and decaying flesh .             Vultures play a vital role in the environment. These scavengers do the work of clearing the dead remains and helps to keep the ecosystem healthy and also prevents from spread of contagious disease.  Relationship between Vultures and Indian Parsi Community               In India the people of Parsi or Zoroastrian community follow a unique funeral ritual. The Parsis do not cremate or bury human corpses, instead they leave them at a place called 'Tower of Silence' for the vultures to feed on.              They do so because they worship "Fire" and for them  ðŸ”¥ is the symbol of purity. So they believe that cremating the

Soul of Rashtrapati Bhavan

Recently the iconic Mughal Gardens of Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi has been renamed as  "Amrit Udyan" .              The term "Amrit Udyan" is taken from two Sanskrit words which when put together signifies "Garden of Immortality" (Amrit means immortality and Udyan means garden).             The 15-acre garden in the Presidential palace was given the common name of "Amrit Udyan"  by the President of India on the theme of  'Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav' .  Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav              It is an initiative of the Government of India to celebrate 75 years of independence and commemorate the glorious history of it's people, culture and achievements.             The PM Shri Narendra Modi inaugurated the 'Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav' on 12 March 2021 (i.e. 75 weeks before the 75th Independence day of India) and will end on 15 August 2023. History of Mughal Gardens               The charming gardens draw inspiration from the Mughal

February 2 - World Wetlands Day

World Wetlands Day is celebrated annually on  2 February to raise awareness about the importance of wetlands. Theme  (2023) - "It's Time for Wetlands Restoration" RAMSAR CONVENTION                The Convention on Wetlands of international importance or Ramsar Convention was established by UNESCO.              It  is an intergovernmental environment treaty which provides the framework for conservation and sustainable use of wetlands across the world.              It was adopted on 2 February 1971 in Ramsar, Iran.             India signed this Convention on 1st February 1982.             Till date, 172 nations are contracting parties to the Convention. RAMSAR SITES             Ramsar Sites are the wetlands of international importance that are listed under the Ramsar Convention. Get to know There are more than 2400 Wetlands around the world. The United Kingdom has the world's largest number of Wetlands as Ramsar sites i.e. 175. India has 75 Ramsar Sites of internati

Indian President has 3 official residences?!

How many of us know that Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi is not the only official residence of the President of India? YES .....there are two other official residences(office cum residence) for the Indian President. One in Shimla and the other in Hyderabad.   T he Retreat Building (Shimla) R ashtrapati Nilayam (Hyderabad)             They are considered as official retreat residence of the President . The President of India conducts office at least once a year in these two residences.             During winter, the President visits the Retreat Building and stays there for at least two weeks to conduct official business.             Similarly, during summer, the President visits Rashtrapati Nilayam .             These two locations, one being in north and the other in south of India exemplifies the unity of our nation and also the unity of diversified cultures.                   _______________________

New record : World's tallest Lord Murugan statue in India

            We all know that the Batu caves in Malaysia was holding the tallest Murugan statue in the world.              This Pathumalai Murugan statue in Malaysia is of 140 feet in height.              But now the 146 feet height statue of Lord Murugan at Puthiragoundampalayam near Vazhapadi in Salem district of Tamil Nadu, India has created a new record claiming to have the tallest Lord Murugan statue in the world.              The interesting part is that this statue was constructed by Thiruvarur Thiyagarajan , the same sculptor who constructed the Malaysia Murugan statue in 2006.                                                  _______________