World Environment Day 2023

World Environment Day (WED) 
            WED is observed on 5th June every year. But this year is special because 2023 marks the completion of 50 years of its establishment.

Theme 2023 : "Beat Plastic Pollution"
  • WED is led by the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and is held annually since 1973.
  • This year(2023) WED is hosted by Côte d'Ivoire in partnership with the Netherlands.
World Environment Day is celebrated every year to spread awareness about the environment and to take needful actions for protecting it.
           As stated by the UN, "about 400 million tonnes of plastic is produced across the world every year. Out of which only less than 10% of that is recycled. A report estimated that 19-23 million tonnes of plastic end up in water bodies annually. Microplastics find their way into food, water and air. It is also estimated that every individual on this planet consumes 50,000 plastic particles every year."
            Without proper action and safety guidelines, the amount of plastic waste flowing into the aquatic ecosystem will triple by 2040.
            In addition to this, the level of global warming is also increasing day by day. The countries under UN, have promised to maintain global warming below 2°C or even below 1.5°C by reducing the annual green house gas (GHG) emissions to halve by 2030.

Our role in environment protection 
          Every country celebrates this day in different ways like environmental outreach programmes, parades, and so on.
          Countries should impose some restrictions on use of plastics. For example, India imposed ban on identified single use plastic items from 1st July 2022.
          Many non-governmental organisations(NGO) and government entities support the cause.
          Afforestation must be done on large scale. It is easy to cut down a tree in minutes with our latest technology but the same technology will not help a tree to grow fast in a short time. It takes years for a sapling to become a full grown tree.
          Stop polluting the environment.
            We are like babies in the womb of mother nature. If you hurt your mother, you will be the one whose is going to suffer in return. 
            Don't underthink that the plastics we use are only harmful to species in the acquatic environment and it has nothing to do with humans...In this world each and every species (including human beings) is interconnected.
            It's high time to realise what is going on around us.
            So avoid using plastics unnecessaryly. Instead use alternatives which are long lasting and harmless for the environment. Try to plant a sapling or sow a seed today in your garden for the wellbeing of your next generation.

Be the change.....



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