World Wildlife Day

World Wildlife Day(WWD) 
               World Wildlife Day  is celebrated on March 03 every year across the world to cherish the pristine beauty and biodiversity of wild flora and fauna and also to create awareness regarding its conservation and protection.

Theme of 2023 : "Partnerships for wildlife conservation"

               On 23 December 2013, the UNGA  (United Nations General Assembly) declared March 3 as the UN World Wildlife Day.

               It was on this day in 1973, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild fauna and flora(CITES) was signed. This year i.e. 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of CITES

               CITES is an international agreement between countries. It plays a crucial role in ensuring that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten the species survival. It also protects the species from illegal exploitation.

               On taking into consideration about the conservation of wildlife, the Indian government enacted some laws like Wildlife Protection Act of 1972, the Forest Conservation Act of 1980 and the Environment Protection Act of 1986.

A small request to all those who read this... 
Just posting this day on social media and sharing it with everyone in this world will do nothing for its protection and conservation. Although everyone is busy in this fast-moving world, think about what kind of atmosphere or place you would choose to relax, calm your mind, re-energise yourself, and cheer you up whenever you get a break for your vacation.
Don't you want your forthcoming generation to experience and explore the wildlife which you people enjoy and admire today...

"Wildlife is something which man cannot construct. Once it is gone, it is gone forever."

Even a very small positive action/step/intiative by each and everyone of us would bring a big change to this world.
Remember we are also a part of this world.
Be responsible and grateful to mother nature...



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